Monday, February 25, 2013

Linux Class

There will be a two-part class on Linux, at the "All Hands Activehackerspace on Monday, March 18 and Tuesday, March 19 from 8-10pm.

Part I, on Monday, March 18: This class is intended for people who have heard that Linux is a thing, and aren't quite sure what that thing is, or have the idea that Linux is something they want to use and aren't quite sure how to go about it.

In Part I, we will explain what Linux is and why you might want to use it. Also, bring your laptop and join the "let's all install linux on our laptops" party.

Part II, on Tuesday, March 19: This is a class for people who have installed Linux on their computers (perhaps due to their attendance of the Linux Part I class on the previous day) and want to become better at using Linux for day-to-day productivity tasks. Figure out what open-source programs you can use to replace the closed-source software you were using.

1 comment:

  1. GNU/LINUX is the correct name for this operating system. Linux is the kernel but the FSF Free Software Foundation built most of the operating system and should be credited for it.
